Stamping and Punching on Presses

Sheet Metal Stamping – Punching on Presses

Our company is equipped with a range of hydraulic, eccentric, and crank presses, enabling us to perform operations such as stamping, cutting, and punching sheet metal parts with varying degrees of complexity.

Plastic forming is increasingly being used in modern manufacturing, gradually replacing costly and labor-intensive machining processes. Compared to machining, it offers several advantages, including material savings, reduced tool wear, and lower labor costs, especially in large-scale production.
Furthermore, plastic forming through stamping and punching provides products with higher strength properties due to the occurrence of the strain-hardening effect, which increases the density of dislocations and their mutual blocking.

Our experienced design and technology departments are capable of designing and manufacturing custom tools or adapting existing ones (dies, punches, benders, etc.) based on customer modifications. These capabilities are built on our many years of expertise in this field.

We work with thin sheets ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 mm, including:

  • Steel
  • Galvanized steel
  • Acid-resistant (stainless) steel
  • Aluminum

For over a decade, we have been collaborating with partners in the custom sheet metal parts sector. Clients entrust us with their projects because they know we handle the entire process comprehensively from start to finish.
Our experienced technical team can also provide advice on how to reduce production costs, both in terms of technology and design.

We have a CNC-controlled hydraulic press with a maximum pressure of 300 tons and another hydraulic press with a capacity of 250 tons.
Parts that require lower pressure are successfully produced on smaller presses in large batch quantities.
For operations requiring rapid hole punchingcutting of flat barsvarious profiles and rodsbending, and many other processes, we use GEKA machines.

We guarantee the highest quality workmanship and on-time delivery of orders.

If you need a specific offer for sheet metal stamping or punching, please send your inquiry to:
or contact us by phone at +48 604 575 234 to discuss the details.

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